Sunday 8 November 2009

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Green Tea and Your Very Good Health

A brief look at the excellent health credentials of green tea: and why, if you’re smart, you’ll drink it.

It is by now pretty much beyond dispute that green tea is good for you: in fact, very, very good for you.

If the evidence amassed were not already copious enough to convince those seeking optimum nourishment of green tea’s manna-like credentials, news emerges from Japan of three studies by scientists there that can only elevate green tea’s standing as a protector and healer of the human body still further.

The research in this instance is all based upon the very thorough "Ohsaki National Health Insurance Cohort Study," which involved 41,761 Japanese adults in the 40 and 79 years age bracket. Moreover, none of those research subjects had a prior history of cancer and their diets, along with other factors such as lifestyle and health problems, were meticulously followed for about ten years.

As a result of this study and the data that emerged from it, Dr. Toru Naganuma of Tohoku University School of Medicine and his colleagues were able to report:

*Drinking at least five cups of green tea a day was found to slash the risk of blood cancers by 42%.

*The same consumption also slashed lymph system cancers by 48%.

*Not only that, those extremely high reductions in cancer were consistent in both sexes and in people with various body sizes.

Another research team, this time in the Division of Epidemiology in Tohoku University's Department of Public Health and Forensic Medicine, in analyzing the data from the same Ohsaki National Health Insurance Cohort Study, discovered that the more green tea consumed, the more the risk of liver cancer plummeted with five cups or more a day offering the most protection from such malignancies.

Yet another analysis of the Ohsaki data, this time by scientists at the Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, found a strong link between drinking green tea and a fall in the incidence of pneumonia in women and that, once again, drinking five or more cups a day appeared to offer the most benefit.

Experimental and animal studies have previously shown that the antioxidants found abundantly in green tea, provide active defense against infections, this may well be the reason that green tea exhibits an apparent ability to fight pneumonia.

The aforementioned are but the latest in a long line of research findings that demonstrate that green tea can help prevent and heal a spectrum of diseases and conditions. Scientists have known since the1970s that green tea can help fight cancer, and this is backed up by the lower cancer rates in countries with high consumption of green tea.

There is evidence that green tea may prevent leukemia and prostate cancer as well as ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer and, even lung cancer as well as heart disease (about seven cups of green tea daily causes a reduction in the risk of death from heart disease by 75 percent and lowers the risk of colorectal cancer 31 percent).and recently, scientists have found that green tea may help prevent and treat osteoporosis and has the potential to help with other bone diseases as well. And all without evident side effects!

Of course, as is the case with so many of man’s ailments, the Psycho-pharmacy steps in with its extensively hyped and ruthlessly marketed "solutions:" lots of (profitable) prescription drugs and these medications are loaded, as you are doubtless well aware, with potentially severe and even fatal side effects.

Well, we can sidestep all these Dark Age shenanigans and strike a blow against such criminal organizations simply by taking better care of ourselves. It is neither difficult nor expensive.

I strongly recommend you raise a middle digit in the general direction of Big Pharma and make 5 or more cups of green tea part of your daily routine, preferably phasing out the coffee and colas at the same time. There are many equally good green teas to choose from and they are inexpensive and easy to find in any supermarket or online. And green tea, even with high consumption, has no known side effects, which is yet another huge advantage it has over the psycho-pharmacy’s chemicals.

Always go for organic tea and watch the "sell by" date: You want a "sell by" date as far in the future as possible from the date of purchase.

If you’re smart, you’ll drink green tea.

If you’re even smarter you’ll consume it daily alongside a healthy diet that includes the wild blue-green algae over which this writer has waxed enthusiastic in many an article.

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